In England all health and social care providers are regulated by the Care Quality Commission. The CQC is an independent regulator and carries out inspections of care providers to ensure services are provided to people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.
Our Mock CQC inspections are designed to mimic real CQC inspections. Our CQC audits can be announced, so you know when they’ll arrive, or unannounced as a complete surprise. They’re carried out using a suite of five KLOE principles which can be tailored to suit any regulated care service provider with advice and guidance, intelligently targeted to suit specific specialisms.
Every successful Mock CQC Inspection results in a detailed findings report, a suite of service ratings, and a clear action plan. Here’s what you need to know about the questions involved in a Mock CQC Inspection.
About Mock CQC inspections – The KLOEs
The questions asked for every Mock CQC Inspection are:
- Is the service safe?
- Is it effective?
- Is it caring?
- Is it responsive?
- Is it well-led?
Here are the details behind the Key Lines of Enquiry that help inspectors answer these five key questions.
- Is it safe?
This question deals with safeguarding and protecting people from abuse, managing risks, getting suitable staff and staff cover, managing medicines, controlling infection, and learning from any mistakes. When a service is safe, the patient is fully protected from abuse and avoidable harm. - Is it effective?
This question covers assessing needs and delivering evidence-based treatment, the skills and knowledge held by staff, nutrition and hydration, the way staff, teams and services work together, supporting people to live healthier lives, accessible premises and the consent to care and treatment. When you get it right you achieve good outcomes from your patient care, treatment and support. You help people to maintain their quality of life, and you base all treatments on the best available evidence. - Is it caring?
Kindness, respect and compassion sit at the heart of this question, as does involving people in decisions about their own care, their privacy and dignity. When you hit the mark you always treat others with compassion and kindness, dignity and respect. - Is it responsive?
This question caters for person-centred care, looking at concerns and complaints and at end of life care. When you get it right, you organise your services so they perfectly meet the patient’s needs. - Is it well-led?
This question focuses on vision and strategy, governance and management, engagement and involvement, learning, improvement and innovation, plus working in partnership. When you get it right the leadership, management and governance of your organisation collaborates well to deliver high-quality care that’s based around each patient’s individual needs, encouraging learning and innovation as well as promoting an open, fair culture.
How is the information used to come to conclusions?
These five key questions are broken down into another lot of questions called key lines of enquiry, which in turn help create the necessary focus. The mock CQC inspection team might examine the way risks are identified and managed, for example, and those investigations will help them decide whether your care Service is safe.
If your business is regulated by the CQC, it’s wise to invest time and resources to ensure you and your staff understand the standards set out by the care quality commision. Not delivering care safely can directly impact your service users and this in return will negatively impact the development of your business.
If you’d like to arrange a mock CQC inspection contact our social care consultancy team directly on 0330 133 0174 or visit our mock CQC inspection page to learn more.