On-going, supportive social care mentorship and consultancy services tailored to the needs of your organisation and with flexibility built-in.
Benefit from expert and always available support from an experienced and dedicated health and social care mentor.
Mentorship services tailored to the needs of your organisation, offering targeted support, advice and guidance to you and your workforce
Your dedicatedmentor will support you in preventing issues and incidents arising but when they do they’re ready to help
Our experienced health and social care consultants are available via ongoing mentorship programmes. Tailored to your organisation we provide trusty and targeted support, advice and guidance to senior management, company owners and front line staff.
Our social care mentors will support your organisation with day to day issues, CQC compliance, performance management and business development.
Get in touch with our expert social care consultants to discuss how a mentorship programme can help you and your organisation.
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SRG Care Consultancy
13e Miners Way,
Lakesview International Business Park,
Canterbury, Kent